Nyandima Parents P is a Government school located in West Nile, Uganda. From this post, you will find information about this school like Education Management Information System (EMIS) number, Nyandima Parents P contact information, ownership of the school and more.
- Name of School: Nyandima Parents P
- Region: West Nile
- District: Zombo
- Sub-county: Atyak
Nyandima Parents P is a Government school. The school is located in West Nile region, Zombo district, Ora county, Atyak sub-county in Anyola parish.
The Education Management Information System (EMIS) number of which Nyandima Parents P is registered for is 310024. The school is owned by Government.
Contact information
To contact Nyandima Parents P use the following number given below.
+256 Not provided
For more information go to the official website of Education Management Information System (EMIS)