Anara Primary School is a Government school located in Lango, Uganda. From this post, you will find information about this school like Education Management Information System (EMIS) number, Anara Primary School contact information, ownership of the school and more.
- Name of School: Anara Primary School
- Region: Lango
- District: Alebtong
- Sub-county: Aloi
Anara Primary School is a Government school. The school is located in Lango region, Alebtong district, Moroto county, Aloi sub-county in Anara parish.
The Education Management Information System (EMIS) number of which Anara Primary School is registered for is 4985. The school is owned by Government.
Contact information
To contact Anara Primary School use the following number given below.
+256 774407406
For more information go to the official website of Education Management Information System (EMIS)