Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited is a company registered to operate in Tanzania. This post has been prepared to provide some important information about the company, Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited.
Note, the information contained in this website is for general information purposes only therefore any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
On this article you will find TIN number for Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited, other information contained on this article about the company are; license number, physical address, postal address, and contacts.
- Company name: Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited - Location: Plot :29 Block
:31 Street
Details of Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited
Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited is a registered company in Tanzania. The registration information for Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited are;
The license number of Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited is 100659. The Tax Identification Number (TIN) of Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited is 100868067.
To contact Hass Petroleum
(T) Limited, use the following information.
Physical address: Plot :29 Block
:31 Street
Postal address: Box No :78341
District :07.03
Region :07
Email address: mgaya@hasspetrol eum.com, mbeki.millya@hass petroleum.com, bernard.otieno@ha sspetroleum.com
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