Happy is a Level IA2 (Dispensary Laboratory) located in Kilombero District, Morogoro Region. Under this article you will learn some of the important information about Happy.
Some of the information contained on this post are; Happy registration number, type of the facility, region where the facility is located, district, ward, village/street, contact information, ownership, status and more.
- Registered name: Happy
- Date opened:
- Type: Level IA2 (Dispensary Laboratory)
- Region: Morogoro Region
- ID number: 3571
- Status: Operating
Details for Happy
On this section, there are information about Happy as follows;
This is the Level IA2 (Dispensary Laboratory) located in Morogoro Region. Happy is located in Kilombero District, Ifakara TC, Kibaoni ward, in Kibaoni street/village.
The registration number for Happy is 114286-8, where the facility is identified by the number 3571. Happy is owned For Profit Private. It started operating since .
Contacts for Happy
To contact Happy Level IA2 (Dispensary Laboratory), use the following contacts below
- Post address:
- Email address:
- Website (if available):
For more information call the official number of Happy, which is: +255753563710 to ask for what you want to know.