Welcome to Bugarika Secondary School. This is the secondary school found in Mwanza region, Tanzania. On this website (youscholars.com), we have collected very important information about Bugarika Secondary School.
The information available for Bugarika Secondary School are; registration number, school accommodation, ownership, Bugarika Secondary School contacts, school level, and more.
- School name: Bugarika Secondary School
- School ownership: Government
- Accomadation: Day Only
- School level: Form 1-4
School details
Bugarika Secondary School is a school found in Pamba Ward, Mwanza City Council Council in Mwanza region, Tanzania.
The school was registered on 10-Apr-07 with the registration number S.2994. Bugarika Secondary is owned by Government.
The ownership citizenship of the school is Tanzanian. The school has students from Form 1-4 classes. This means, there are students from Form One, Form Two, Form Three and Form Four. The school is Day Only.
School contacts
Bugarika Secondary School is located in the ward called Pamba. The council within which the school is found is Mwanza City Council in Mwanza region, Tanzania.
- The contact number for Bugarika Secondary School is: +255 767507676. This is/was the Head of School number.
Note: This contact number is subject to change without notice. But, by contacting the given number, you can be able to obtain the most up-to-date number, as this number was last updated in 2018 and 2022, and we think some Head of Schools might have moved to other schools accordingly. For more information, read our disclaimers.